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The SECURE Act Changes the Retirement Rules for Businesses and Your Clients! Send Your Custom "The New Retirement Rules-Highlights of the SECURE Act 2.0" to Clients, Prospects, Attorneys, CPAs, and Others…

  • Available in PDF or print version
  • Branded with photo and logo
  • Finra-reviewed

Dear Advisor,

Key Financial Data

The biggest retirement-related legislation in over a decade became law at the tail end of 2019. Some of the biggest changes will impact your clients, like the death of the stretch IRA and the ability to contribute to IRAs after age 70.

The thing is, the mainstream media barely covered the SECURE Act in 2019. And then at the end of 2022, SECURE Act 2.0 passed—bringing even more changes.

Do your clients know that their heirs need to liquidate an inherited IRA within 10 years? Do new parents know they can withdraw up to $5,000 each from a retirement plan to pay for new child expenses? Have you discussed how financial plans and distribution strategies need to change?

You need to convey a sense of urgency and get people into your office.

That's why Horsesmouth has created the "New Retirement Rules Card," available for all advisors to use. Your clients will appreciate your thoroughness in alerting them to and guiding them through the confusing waters of legislation that takes on nearly every retirement-related topic.


  • 2-Sided 8.5” x 11” New Retirement Rules 2023 Cards (100 copies & unlimited PDF)
  • Brand with Photo and Logo
  • Immediately Download PDF Version

Now get New Retirement Rules in PDF-only format and save $100!


  • Print your own, DIY
  • Brand with Photo and Logo!
  • Immediately Download PDF Version

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Clients, prospects, and COIs will love the FINRA-reviewed New Retirement Rules because it's simple and easy to comprehend at a glance. It tells you what the new rules are and how they're different from the old ones. Nearly all the changes affecting individuals and businesses are included:

  • 10-year limit on inherited IRAs
  • No "forced" IRA spending until age 73/75
  • No more age limits for contributing to an IRA
  • Enhanced catch-up contributions for some savers
  • A reduction in missed RMD penalties
  • Lifetime income disclosure in 401(k) statements
  • 401(k) auto-enrollment maximum boosted to 15%
  • Use of 529 accounts to pay off student loans
  • QCD contribution account linked to inflation

New Retirement Rules Card Sample

Click Here For A Branded Sample of The New Retirement Rules-Highlights of the SECURE Act 2.0

Order Your Branded "New Retirement Rules" Cards and Enjoy These Three Features:

  1. Instant, branded PDF—Share it right now.
  2. Printed, branded cards—Mail/hand out all year.
  3. Updated, branded PDF to share throughout the year—Email it if or when Congress changes rules or new interpretations arise. (We'll alert you to changes.)

So go ahead now and take your first, easy step to including New Retirement Rules as part of your client communication program throughout the year.

7 Reasons to Give Clients New Retirement Rules Card

  1. Because you're the expert. People are looking for authoritative information about new tax laws, not just media speculation. This shows you know what you're talking about.
  2. Because the market is huge – every individual and business is affected. Whether their savings are in 401(k) plans or IRAs, or 529 accounts, everyone needs to know how their plans could change.
  3. Because there is no easy answer to the question, "What's in it for me?" This handout gives clients the basics to begin thinking about how their savings and distribution plans should change, but reinforces the idea that they need to come to you to thoroughly review their situations.
  4. Because it's a good "marketing touch." Pop a copy of the card in the mail, along with a cover letter, to let your clients know you are thinking of them. They'll be impressed with your thoughtfulness.
  5. Because it's a perfect handout. Share with clients and prospects at meetings, workshops, and other events where you need or want helpful material to share with others.
  6. Because it demonstrates your commitment to keeping clients abreast of important information regarding economic and political changes. And when people know you're committed to them and to your profession, it promotes loyalty and referrals.
  7. Because it opens the door to larger conversations. Many of your clients may have never thought about how they will draw down their retirement accounts – they've only been focused on accumulation. This gives you the opportunity to start that conversation.

The New Retirement Rules-Highlights of the SECURE Act 2.0 fee will be charged directly to your credit card. Our online process is secure and you can safely provide your credit card information in the form below

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