Extraordinary Advisor Virtual Masterclass Header

Join us for the Extraordinary Advisor Virtual Masterclass led by success expert Ellen Rogin, CPA, CFP®, 7 Sessions on Tuesdays starting at 12:00 pm ET/9:00 am PT-1:15 pm ET/10:15 am PT, September 10-October 22.

(Sessions will be recorded and replays will be available for 90 days)

How to Be an Extraordinary Advisor Who Creates More Influence, Impact, and Income No Matter What the Markets are Doing

Learn the "right-brain techniques" for growing a deeply personal and successful business by attending the Extraordinary Advisor Virtual Masterclass September 10-October 22.

Masterclass Workshop Save $200

Join success coach and former top advisor, Ellen Rogin, CFP® , CPA as she guides you though the 7-step "Extraordinary Advisor Framework" to show you how to:

  • Become a leader your clients and team want to follow
  • Identify a superpower that will differentiate and grow your business
  • Boost your emotional intelligence to become more authentic and resilient
  • Attract more of the clients you want to work with (and avoid the ones you don't)
  • Master the communication skills that charm prospects and soothe clients
  • Manage the stress of volatile markets, panicked clients, and lifestyle disruptions
  • Ignite your insights, imagination, and intuition to turn your vision into reality
  • Bring deeper meaning to your work and greater joy to your relationships

Sessions take place every Tuesday from September 10-October 22 online. Learn new growth techniques from the comfort of your home or office!

Want to know the secret to growing a successful advice business? In an economic upheaval?

It's not the portfolios you build…

It's not the policies you sell…

It's not the stocks you pick or the ETFs you trade…

The key to growing a business these days is your ability to handle distractions, manage stress, and calm frightened people.

You have become a first responder of a kind—the frontline for your clients' financial problems. And between the business losses, unemployment, and health scares, it can be unrelentingly hard work that can drain and deplete your soul.

Yet, these are the times when Extraordinary Advisors thrive!

They start each morning full of energy…

They are absolutely clear on their vision…

They leave clients feeling calmer and more peaceful…

They motivate their staff to deliver world-class service…

They end each day with peace and gratitude…

They enjoy their families and look forward to tomorrow…

What do Extraordinary Advisors know that others don't?

They know that the path to growth means developing a mindset for success… using mental techniques and tools to train your thinking, upgrade your communication skills, clarify your goals, and use your unique superpowers for good—and for growth.

You can be the leader your team and your clients need. You can go from feeling depleted and drained to being energized and enthusiastic at the end of each day.

And you can create a business you love and make the money you desire by attending the 7-session Extraordinary Advisor Virtual Masterclass, September 10-October 22.

Designed to ignite your insights, imagination, intuition, and inspiration, this "success conditioning" program will show you how to:

  • Establish procedures that mentally condition you for growth
  • Enhance your ability to calm and charm clients
  • Amplify your influence so you become the most important voice in the room
  • Boost your listening skills to hear what clients "mean" behind what they say
  • Motivate your team and gain greater engagement and commitment
  • Upgrade your communication and empathy skills
  • Become more productive even as conditions change
  • Maintain and even accelerate your growth rate
  • Create a business that achieves your vision and changes the world!

How the Extraordinary Advisor Virtual Masterclass Works

The Extraordinary Advisor Masterclass is designed to find your superpower and set up processes that will grow your emotional intelligence and resilience.

To get the best and most long-lasting results, the program takes place over seven weeks with a session every Tuesday. Each webinar consists of 75 minutes of instruction, interactive exercises, and group coaching. All sessions are recorded and available for review 60 days after the masterclass ends.

Best of all, you'll leave each week with an action plan! Not homework exactly, but a checklist of steps to take… exercises to practice… tools to try out… that can make an immediate and positive impact on your business, clients, and communications.

Here's what you'll learn, and the tools and resources you'll get for attending each workshop:

Session 1: How to Build a Winning and Prosperous Mindset (Tuesday, September 10, 12:00 pm ET/9:00 am PT-1:15 pm ET/10:15 am PT)

Overview: In the new reality we are living in, the difference between those who excel and prosper and those who languish does not lie in their technical knowledge, niche, or even their marketing strategies. It's based upon having the right thoughts, beliefs, and habits to lay the foundation for success.

Concepts explored: Mindfulness, Stress Management, Meditation

What you'll learn:

  • How to build mental conditioning for success
  • Ways to use mindfulness to grow your connections with others
  • How to overcome internal roadblocks to your business growth

Tools & resources you'll get:

  • Resources for super quick ways to incorporate mindset training in your daily life
  • A script for how to start meetings with your team to get everyone's head in the game

Session 2: How to Set High-Octane Goals (Tuesday, September 17, 12:00 pm ET/9:00 am PT-1:15 pm ET/10:15 am PT)

Overview : What if everything you've learned about how to set goals in your practice was sending you down the wrong path and actually holding you back? Learn how to tweak your plan to turn your business vision into a reality.

Concepts explored: Visualization, Prosperity Mindset, Self-Beliefs

What you'll learn:

  • Why most goals advisors set are destined to fail
  • Getting rid of limiting self-beliefs
  • A fun and easy way to create goals you can actually reach and be thrilled about
  • How to keep your goals front and center to boost your likelihood of success

Tools & resources you'll get:

  • Prosperity Map template
  • Your individual Prosperity Picture
  • Your one- and five-year goals

Session 3: Attracting Your Ideal Clients (Tuesday, September 24, 12:00 pm ET/9:00 am PT-1:15 pm ET/10:15 am PT)

Overview : Do you cringe when certain clients call? What if you never again had to work with a difficult person again? Imagine having your perfect clients find you!

Concepts explored: Authenticity, Emotional Intelligence

What you'll learn:

  • How to identify your ideal client
  • Actions to take to attract this ideal client to your practice
  • Ways to boost your referrals without directly asking for them
Tools & resources you'll get:
  • Your Perfect Fit Client Attraction Plan

Session 4: Your Superpower—Finding Your Unique Edge (Tuesday, October 1, 12:00 pm ET/9:00 am PT-1:15 pm ET/10:15 am PT)

Overview : Clients are no longer compelled to work with advisors who are physically close now that video conferencing has become so mainstream. Which means it's more important than before to stand out from your competitors. If you've ever felt it was a challenge to differentiate yourself from the completion… identifying your superpower will change everything.

Concepts explored: Superpowers, Imposter Syndrome, Big Word

What you'll learn:

  • How to identify a superpower that sets you apart from the rest
  • How to focus your team find their superpowers
  • How to use your superpower to grow your practice
  • How to fight off Imposter Syndrome

Tools & resources you'll get:

  • Find Your Superpower Worksheet
  • Your Big Word to use as the foundation for your client messaging
  • Your Prosperity Triangle (maps out your three biggest strengths and how to use them)

Session 5: Amplify Your Influence: How to Communicate So Your Clients and Team Will Listen  (Tuesday, October 8, 12:00 pm ET/9:00 am PT-1:15 pm ET/10:15 am PT)

Overview : You have great advice to share, yet clients can't always hear what you're saying and sometimes don't act on your suggestions. With all of the challenges in the world today, communication is getting even more difficult. You can be an even more powerful communicator if you know the steps to take.

Concepts explored: Mindful Listening Skills, Empathy

What you'll learn:

  • What to do to get your clients present and clear to hear what you have to say
  • How to hear what clients mean but aren't saying
  • How to listen and communicate when talking to groups

Tools & resources you'll get:

  • The top 10 questions to ask to build even deeper client relationships

Session 6: Doing Work that Matters (Tuesday, October 15, 12:00 pm ET/9:00 am PT-1:15 pm ET/10:15 am PT)

Overview : What if you could make an even bigger difference in the lives of your clients and their families? Imagine if your work consistently felt like a calling and not a job? This can happen. You can create a business that changes the world. Sounds big? Yes. And, you have the power to do this!

Concepts explored: Gratitude, Generosity

What you'll learn:

  • How to build your business based upon generosity
  • How to create a "corporate halo" around your work
  • Strategies to get your team as committed to your business as you are

Tools & resources you'll get:

  • The Generosity Focused Marketing Plan
  • Your Money/Business Manifesto

Session 7: How to Boost Your Business Intuition (Tuesday, October 22, 12:00 pm ET/9:00 am PT-1:15 pm ET/10:15 am PT)

Overview : Do you ever get a gut feeling that you should be doing something (or not) in your business? Maybe you're thinking about a client, so you call them, and hear, "Oh! I was just about to call you!" Do you trust these internal nudges and follow them? Learn how to follow your own good intentions to create new opportunities, build relationships, and avoid missteps.

Concepts explored: Focus, Mindfulness, Intuition, Insights

What you'll learn:

  • The difference between intuition and the chatter in your head
  • How to enhance and trust your gut instincts
  • Ways to practice building your inner wisdom to help you communicate more effectively

Tools & resources you'll get:

  • Short daily practices to boost your intuition
  • Guided meditation for amplifying your business intuition

Meet Ellen Rogin, Your Extraordinary Expert

 Ellen Rogin

Ellen Rogin, CPA, CFP® will show you how to
mentally train for success.

Ellen Rogin, CPA, CFP® offers a roadmap for growth that can build an extraordinary business.

A self-styled "Abundance Activist®", Ellen outlined her success roadmap in her NY Times best-seller, Picture Your Prosperity: Smart Money Moves to Turn Your Vision into Reality.

Ellen knows how to guide advisors to do their best work, reach their goals, and make the difference they want to make.

She successfully grew and ultimately sold Strategic Financial Designs Inc., a wealth management firm. As a former top-producing advisor for over 28 years, she used non-traditional strategies to succeed in challenging times and grew her business through multiple recessions.

Chock full of "left-brain" credentials (MBA, CPA, CFP®) Ellen also walks on the "right" side, balancing values, big picture ideas, meditation, and a sense of humor to share her methods on success conditioning.

Ellen is a TEDx presenter, and her work has been quoted in such national publications as The New York Times, Money, Time.com, Forbes.com, and The Huffington Post. She is a regular contributor to Horsesmouth® and is a host of Horsesmouth® Advisor Radio and Horsesmouth® Live.

As an SIY Certified Teacher through The Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, Ellen facilitates the mindfulness and emotional intelligence leadership program which was developed at Google—giving leaders tools for focus, self-awareness, and resilience.

Ellen currently serves on the Board of Directors for Metropolitan Capital Bank in Chicago and for The Ghana Scholarship Fund.

16 Traits of an Extraordinary Advisor

Extraordinary Advisors are always made, never born.

Their success is not a left-brain achievement built on academic learning, spreadsheets, or technology. They don't rise to the top because of their brilliant asset allocation models or CRMs.

Ordinary advisors become extraordinary by developing the mental conditioning that serves as the foundation to success in business and in their personal lives. They develop deep reservoirs of emotional intelligence, self-discipline, empathy, and social skills to forge lasting relationships and inspire confidence in their clients and staff.

The Extraordinary Advisor Virtual Masterclass is for advisors who passionately believe that the way to succeed is through service. They know that the best advisors:

  1. Invest in their professional development
  2. Master their mental mindset
  3. Make deep client listening a core competency
  4. Frame the conversation so clients will listen
  5. Offer service to others in each goal they set
  6. Create a work environment where team members never want to leave
  7. Identify their superpower and use it for good
  8. Value their intuition as much as their intellect
  9. Attract the kinds of clients they want to work with
  10. Stay calm and clear even in chaotic times
  11. Stand by their beliefs and are known for their convictions
  12. Create a well-thought-out business manifesto
  13. Take pains to create and maintain a stellar reputation
  14. Align their work with their values
  15. Make people feel better about themselves just by being in their presence
  16. Are clear and specific on how they provide extraordinary value to their clients

What People are Saying About Ellen's Programs:

"I had the opportunity to hire and work with Ellen in San Antonio… and the best words to describe her are ‘inspirational, memorable, and dynamic.' The stories she told, the ideas she shared, and the delivery of these stories and ideas were just awesome…. one of the most impressive speakers that I have heard! Someone who truly makes a difference with everyone she touches!!"

—Jonathan Cooley, CIMA®, Putnam Investments

"I live in New York, where the coronavirus is at its worst (at the present time). The past few weeks of client service have been intense. No complainers, just fine people expressing their concerns (and in a few cases, unfortunately, their illnesses.) It occurred to me that I should reach out to others (like you) who have made a positive impact recently and express my thanks. I believe in the laws of reciprocity, but in this case it's more about letting someone I've never met know that they became a positive influence on me. Thanks again for the inspiration."

—Barry Shapiro, financial advisor

"Thank you for the gift of your time and message…you educated us, inspired us and made us feel great… uplifted!"

—Rick Fergesen, President and CEO, Woodbury Financial Services

" Your presentation was outstanding. The feedback from advisors has been uniformly positive—effusive actually. I am more than happy to recommend you to anyone who asks."

—Michael D. Stadnik, Executive Director, Mid-Atlantic Region, Morgan Stanley

"Ellen's interactive presentation was the perfect end to our conference. She had everyone filled with the warm feelings of gratitude and an understanding of how to get there in the busy hectic lives we lead. I would highly recommend her and her presentation."

— Angela Ribuffo, Former WIFS National President

"We are so grateful you presented your program at all of our locations. Training our home office team to know what it takes to build prosperity is invaluable. From every level of experience and expertise there were raves about your program. They loved receiving your book and left your program educated, energized, and enthusiastic."

—Erica McGinnis, (Former) CEO Advisor Group

"I've had the opportunity to collaborate with Ellen for many years now. She's a valuable member of our HPN University Faculty and brings the unique perspective and experience of being a top financial advisor as well as an expert in unique areas such as abundance, mindfulness, and much more. A true professional with amazing content, insight and just a wonderful spirit!"

—Joey Davenport, President Hoopis Performance Network

How Your Business Will Improve After the Masterclass

Once you've learned the right-brain techniques for success, you'll build a business that is deeply meaningful to you. Every day you'll find yourself…

…working with the perfect clients—you hardly market, they come to you!

…amazed how well your team is working together—they treat your business as if it were theirs!

…buzzing with more energy, excitement, and creativity than you've seen in years!

…in the flow—profits have increased, new clients find you!

…with improved patience—you get less aggravated when issues arise

…more at ease with yourself and in your business—you know where you're going and how you'll get there!

…a master problem solver, able to find solutions to almost every client issue or challenge

…wondering how you went from depleted and drained to purposeful and truly prosperous!

And your business will change in four exciting ways that add momentum and profits.

Your Team Will Engage

You'll show up to do the work you are most meant to do, and your team will handle the rest. They will be totally committed to the success of your clients and treat your business as if it were theirs. Your clients will rave about how smart and caring your staff is and how this always makes them feel so good. You never worry about your best people leaving—they are all at the top of their game, deeply respect your leadership, and appreciate the work environment you provide.

Your Work Will Flow

You are shocked at how much you love your work. You are able to work the hours that fit with your peak times. There is so much ease and calm in the office. Yes, there are aggravations, but you stay calm. You no longer get worked up when there is a mistake, when new compliance requirements are instituted, or when a client is upset. You are able to flow and adjust with an ease you've rarely felt. You find solutions and problem resolutions with grace and ease.

You are Making an Impact on Clients, Your Community

You know you are doing the work you are meant to do and making the difference you always desired. Your clients are so grateful for your guidance and vision. Your staff loves working for you. Your family and friend relationships are strong and loving.

You'll Become Very Profitable

It's weird how you are working less but making more money. New clients just seem to show up for you and existing clients keep buying. Business generation is easier than ever and you're hitting your goals each quarter.

What Is Your Advisor Superpower?

Tips from Success Expert, Ellen Rogin, CFP®, CPA…

I believe each of us has something we do better than most other advisors. This is our business superpower, and how you can most highly serve your clients.

To find your superpower, think about the compliments you get over and over. Then ask friends, colleagues, family, and clients these questions:

  • What do you think I'm really good at that's rare to find?
  • If you were to tell someone else about me, what would you say is one-of-a-kind about me?
  • After we have a really great conversation, how do you feel?

My superpower is calming people down. Clients may come into a meeting stressed about money or financial decisions, but by the time they leave my office, they are noticeably calmer.

When I've helped other advisors define their unique awesomeness, we discovered superpowers like:

  • "I am an encourager—I help people feel excited about what they are doing!"
  • "I make people laugh."
  • "I am the person people want to go through difficult times with. I can be in the trenches with them and they will come out on the other side stronger and better."

Once you can articulate what you are uniquely good at, you can sell more effectively, promote yourself more clearly, and serve others more deeply. It grew my business 39% during a market downturn and helped me build an extraordinary business.

Let's discover your superpower!


Cancellation and Refund policy

Your workshop registration fee is 100% refundable if you cancel and contact Horsesmouth's Member Support team 30 business days or more before the event. You must call to receive a cancellation confirmation number. You can reach Member Support at 1-888-336-6884, ext. 1.

Cancellations received between 7-29 days prior to the event will receive a Horsesmouth store credit of 50% of purchase price towards a future event, subscriptions or products, minus $100 processing fee. For cancellations received 6 days or less prior the event, no refunds will be made nor store credits given.

Substitutions/name changes may be made at any time prior to the event without penalty.

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FOR INSTANT SERVICE, Call Toll Free: 1-888-336-6884 ext 1 (Outside U.S.): 1-212-343-8760


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